My warm, clear stream steadily impacted and trickled down the bark of a pine tree across the street from the time trial start line at stage 1 of the Fitchburg Longsjo Classic. While I was fully aware of what I was pissing ON, what (or who) i was pissing OFF was another story. Apparently, as I pissed on the tree approximately 90 seconds before the start of my TT, I was being watched by a race official who, with was becoming increasingly pissed off with each additional drop of piss I added to the tree. With no knowledge of anyone's level of pissedness, I started the TT blissfully unaware of the fact that no matter how hard I pushed on the pedals, my result in the race would remain the same: DSQ. That stands for disqualified. Looking online through the results later that night, we discovered the DSQ, and Jeremy immediately called the head official to get an explanation. The official had witnessed me taking a piss, become pissed cause that was against the rules, and after arguing with him for a good long while, Jeremy became pissed at the official's stubborn manner. I, in turn, got pretty pissed at myself for pissing where the pissed official could see me. I was out of the race for the remaining 3 stages.
Welcome back Joey!!!
I have missed your commentary.
I love your crazy ways, and the way you write. And you :)
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