Friday, June 20, 2008

Time trial come and gone

Jafer wrote this for the team blog so i just copied and pasted cause he pretty much said all there was to say:

It was another early morning as we headed off to New Jersey for the Giro time trial. It didn't take long for the mercury to rise as we warmed up on the 15K course. Today's course was mostly rolling with only one serious hill towards the finish. The first part of the course was super fast as it was mostly downhill with only minor rollers. After the turn around, the real race started as we gave it everything we had, to have a faster split time. We faced a large field as there were 80 riders in the pro/1/2 race. The course suited Jafer as he posted the fastest time on the team taking 20th place, followed by Joey with 25th and Oscar in 28th and Thomas saved himself for tomorrows race.

Now this is me writing:

Once home, after putsin around on the computer and taking a power nap, I got dressed again and went out for an easy spin with Jafer. An hour and a few sprints later we returned, got dressed and headed out for sushi.....just me and was our little date. Returning home with bellies full of fish protien, it was time for a real, pre-race meal so we made some pasta to get ready for tomorrow's 70 mile road race.

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