Monday, May 18, 2009

That's sorta frustrating...

Thomas and I raced in the North Boulder Park crit on Sunday. It was actually pretty cool to see the incredible group of riders the race announcer called up prior to the start. It's not like this was a big money crit or anything, just a little local race, but the amount of pros that live locally blows away the depth of talent in any other local race, and many bigger ones too. Needless to say, the field was strung out most of the time and I didn't really feel too up to making many big moves. I felt okay, not great, but about what I expected for just training through the weekend.

Right towards the end I followed a good wheel and got off the front with 2 other guys with 5 or 6 laps remaining. We made it to the bell lap still with a good enough gap, the TT1 guy attacked, I jumped with him but trailed a bit through the first corner. Into the second corner, I had closed it down to just a couple bike lengths, but apparently took the turn too hot. The corner was over a driveway sorta thing over a sidewalk onto a path/driveway on the edge of a park, so it was pretty bumpy. It was really surprising cause I had flown through the corner many times without problems but this time I just hit the bumps leaned over a little too far and totally slid out onto my side along the ground, with the barriers stopping me. I got scraped up real nice on my one leg and a bit on my elbows, but nothing that'll be too hard to deal with. The thing that really sucks is that it was the last lap and there was no way we were getting caught, so thats a decent result and some gas money that went down the drain quick. That and the fact that I broke my fork and scraped up both shifters real good......siiiiiiiiiiick.

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